Thursday, August 30, 2012


Love is a many splendored thing.  Not only is it splendiferous (yes, I said splendiferous… it’s a word, spell check says so) It is funny what can spark it and what can squelch it.  It is a pretty great feeling when you get that first spark, but what is even better is when it comes out of nowhere.  It is amazing how a shared laugh at an obscure reference or a present of a tiny bottle of shark bubbles can instantaneously change how you see someone. 

Love, whether doomed to quickly dissipate or to grow indefinitely, is always good.  The spark of a new romance can be just what you need to jump back into life reminding you of the thrill of living in the moment.  The roller coaster of soaring high on the tiniest of hopes pared with the plummeting depths of dashed dreams can be amazing reminders of the vivid world we live in and routinely tune out. 

It will send your world spinning and make you question what took you so long to get there.  Sometimes the ride is fantastically thrilling and sometimes it just makes you want to hurl.  It is all about timing.   Now, being a princess, I am not a fan of relinquishing control and I still contend that if you want something, you can make your own timing.  But even I must admit that some things are out of my control. SA has told me more times than I can count, “Timing is everything and timing is a bitch.”  I don’t think he meant it was a female dog either…

Every now and again, though, we luck out.  The timing is right and we get to hold on to our hopes and watch dreams grow.  Sometimes the dreams change and, sometimes, if you are REALLY lucky, reality surpasses everything you had hoped for. 

Category 5 Temper Tantrums

With all the rainbows and marshmallows that seem to come out of my proverbial mouth I know it can seem a bit hard to believe that I am not completely in denial of all things real and painful in the world.  I would like to take this opportunity to say, yes, even princesses have selfish, pessimistic thoughts and, on occasion, prone to full on Category 5 hissy fits.  JJ and SA are painfully aware that these do exist and will testify that I go slightly insane on occasion. 

Sometimes, I just do not express my thoughts and feelings very well. I try, but in a world where words filled with selfish and vapid meanings flow so abundantly, it can feel impossible to make someone listen when you have something real to share.  I maintain that the reasons behind these fits are valid, but I admit, my reactions are not always the most reasonable. Thankfully, these fits are few and far between; maybe not quite as far apart as I would prefer, but still not the norm.

The truth is my life is pretty fantastic.  I have some of the most amazing people who have ever existed regularly interacting in my life.  I am constantly surrounded by people who have seen all the less than attractive parts of me and not only accept me but still choose to love me and welcome me into their lives.  These are people who may not know what color my eyes are, but can describe my “true colors” better than I could ever begin to express. 

I don’t know what I have done to deserve such love, but I am so very thankful and I am trying very hard to be the type of princess worthy of these gifts.