Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Love Notes

A princess is gracious and appreciative of those who choose to have her in their lives.

One of the most important things in any relationship (friend, family, partner…) is to be vocal with love and admiration Now, I don’t mean empty praise or over the top, gag inducing, mushy, yuck. Just simply, when you think of someone, let them know. Knowing someone thinks of you and takes the time to tell you, well, that makes you feel special. And everyone deserves to feel special.

For years, I have been wishing loved ones a “Happy Tuesday.” And as SA can attest sometimes those “Happy Tuesday” wishes come on Wednesday. In a world where criticism is the norm, I want those around me to know that not only do I love them and appreciate their uniqueness, but many, many people love them too. So much that they truly do not know how loved they are.

So for all of you who happen to read this:

You are a gift to those around you. No one else can even come close to the fantastically unique perspective and insight you have and bring to any situation. Know that you are loved more than you will ever know. Happy Tuesday!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Today is a good day.  Today I was blessed with a smiling giggly baby that happily watched Mickey Mouse while I took a nice hot shower.  Today I was blessed with ten extra minutes with my husband who got home an extra twenty minutes earlier than usual and as a result he got to take an uninterrupted shower this morning too.

It’s funny how little blessings can sometime go completely unnoticed.  I tend to get lost in the rush of showering, bottle making, diaper changing, dressing, and the down to the wire baby hand off.   Today, though… today I remembered to count my blessings from the moment I woke.  Today is a good day.