Wednesday, May 30, 2012

As All Good Fairy Tales Begin...

Once upon a time there was a group of adventurous and good hearted young knights and fair maidens (as well as a Princess) who had recently started cultivating the bonds of friendship. This newly formed band of friends began their story with lots of little adventures and celebrations. One such celebration was a Gala to benefit the less fortunate families of the kingdom. With all of the knights in their best tunics and the princesses and ladies in fine gowns, the merriment of good food and drink, merry minstrels, and dancing ensued.

Towards the end of the evening, a contest of sorts was begun to see who might best provide support for these families in need. The friends rallied their resources and were able to promise a substantial amount to feed the hungry and clothe the poor of their kingdom. At the end of the contest, this group of friends found themselves rewarded for their giving hearts with a week vacation at a private cabin in the Smokey Mountains.

Preparations were made and a date for the expedition was set. But not all of the friends were destined to make this journey.  One by one, the anticipated adventurers dropped out of the band of travelers until only three were remaining for the grand adventure. Sir JJ, the Valiant; Sir SA, the strong; and Princess Brandi set out on a week-long adventure that would forever change the course of their lives.

The small band of adventurers traveled far and wide taking in the sights of the foreign mountainous land. They trekked through the wilderness to see breath taking waterfalls, wandered through small villages getting to know the villagers, traveled many miles to see the beautiful local castle, explored the gathered wonders of the aquatic world, and ventured on horseback to the heights of the mountains to view the lands from above. They delighted in feeding carrots to the local donkey wildlife and found merriment playing in the forts and games the children had built.  They even engaged in a local customer called "Black Light Mini Golf"  which, while agreeable to Princess Brandi and Sir SA, the Strong, the effects on Sir JJ, the Valiant were not so pleasing causing him to avow never to engage in this custom again. 

While all of these adventures were exciting and delightful, the true magic of the trip was found in the fireside talks that went on deep into the night. Open and unfiltered sharing of life experiences, views on the world, and struggles of everyday life (as well as a little wine) spurred the friends to grow deeper and deeper in their friendship until setting the beginnings of solid almost unbreakable bonds. By the end of this adventure, Princess Brandi and the Nerds in Shining Armor had been transformed from a band of congenial acquaintances to true friends with a bond unlike any other.

In the words of Sir JJ, the Valiant, "Myeah, see? Myeah!"

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Iron Princess?

I'm self centered… I really am.

I try not to be. I work at putting myself in other people shoes, trying to see the world a they do, but I am not so good at this. At a party recently I was introducing a couple of friends to another friend and SA kindly chastised me saying, “It’s not all about you, Brandi.” I admitted jokingly that it wasn’t, it was only 85% about me. But the truth is, I am seriously self centered.

I was again reminded of this when, on a nerd adventure, I saw the Avengers not once, but twice, in one week and announced that my favorite superhero from the movie was Iron Man. In a flash of self-awareness, I realized that relating to this character seemed to me to be rather indicative of the fact that, while I may have a good heart, I certainly have a HUGE ego. I mean, seriously… I am a self-proclaimed princess for goodness sake!!!

I am not entirely sure where this gigantic ego comes from, but I don’t think it is something I care for. New item on the List O’ Things To Do, "Increase Humility." Now… should this go before or after "Increase Patience" on the list?

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Pursuit of Happily Ever After

Anyone who has ever ready a traditional storybook knows that a princess’s life is always described, usually in the last line or two of the story, as “happily ever after.” This most certainly applies to me, regardless of my non-traditional nature. Sometimes, though, “happily ever after” is hard to recognize. It is there, it just likes to play hide and seek. (Life is playful like that.)

Life has a tendency to have abrupt changes in direction, redefining of roles, and cast changes. I don’t do change well, but change happens regardless of whether or not I like it. My life in particular has LOTS of fun twists and turns. Vocational, romantic, medical, and financial changes have been abundant for me in the last three years. There have been many occasions for me to turn blue figuratively and, once, literally.

With every hair-pin turn and gut-wrenching drop, “happily ever after” was still there cleverly disguised. Sometimes it was wrapped up in a bruised ego, or a scary diagnosis. Other times, it hid under a lay-off from work or a broken heart.

Occasionally, it hides so well, that  I forget I am a princess and start to believe I am not magical at all. But, with a little help from my Nerds in Shining Armor and of course the Royal Family, I remember in a flash that I AM a princess and all princess get “Happily Ever After,” I just have to find it. So, after a brief (or not so brief) temper-tantrum, I take a deep breath and accept life as it is at the moment. Knowing that, as a princess, I have the power to change the world, or at least how I see it; I actively set out to do exactly that.

I have found that the quickest way to uncover a hiding “happily ever after” is to fully embrace true royalty. I set out to choose to see the good in those who have hurt me, smile on the days that it would be easier to cry because, and to help others do the same. Soon enough, the magic in me kicks in and *POOF* “Happily Ever After!”

Love, Grace, and Kindness is the stuff true royalty strives to embody. This princess endeavors everyday to live up to her royal title, and, on occasion, even manages to succeed. Those are the days that I know, without a doubt; I am living “Happily Ever After.”

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Royal Family

In honor of being officially one year older, I thought I might give you a glimpse of the Royal Family this Princess came from.

As I am sure you are aware, Princesses are very special people and have been raised by people even more special. This princess’s family can certainly qualify as “special” in more ways than one and are certainly not your garden variety royalty. Life in their far off magical kingdom is… unconventional. Yes, we’ll go with “unconventional.” Some might even say “weird,” but, that is not necessarily a bad thing.

I was brought up in a family with unconventional values. Those qualities that are not normally encouraged in well behaved and rational children were instead cultivated and nurtured. The royal family placed high value on independent thinking, vivid imaginations, and creativity.

Many afternoon car rides and kitchen table conversations from my childhood were spent playing “What if…” or weaving tales from unlikely perspectives. Sunday afternoons were filled with grand adventures without leaving the backyard. Conversations spanning generations (and sometimes species via dramatic interpretation) creating new and amazing ways to see life and discovering ways to turn the world on its head, at least in theory. All the while, knowing I was loved regardless of the success or failure of any of the crazy ideas I had, just so long as I tried.

Life from this perspective can only be an adventure. Each day is an opportunity to find wonder and excitement. Every conversation has the potential to create and to laugh. Every person met is another chance to change the world as we know it.

The chance to truly live… that is the best birthday present any Princess can be given!