Friday, April 27, 2012

Guerrilla Befriending

I have told you about how S.A. and I became friends, now, here is the way JJ and I became friends. *Disclaimer* If you ask him, I am sure he will have an entirely different take on the matter, but he is not the Princess, now, is he?

Like I have said before, princesses meet a lot of people in their day to day lives and I am no different in this respect. I have also said that sometimes it takes time for a person to come into focus; JJ is not one of these people. He announced his presence and made it know he was going to be my friend, regardless of how I felt on the matter. He’s good like that.

Like S.A., I met JJ through the young adults group at my church. He was freshly out of college and setting out to make his mark on the world. While it is true that I met JJ a couple of years before I became friends with him, as I was acquainted with his older brother, prior to this time, our four year age difference put us at significantly different places in life. When JJ graduate from college and started being an “adult” (i.e. having to buy his own toilet paper) it seemed he had a mission in life to make new friends and I was one of the targets.

I am not sure that there was an exact time that I could pinpoint to JJ becoming my friend, he just did. One day he decided that we were friends and “so it was written and so it shall be done.” Game nights, dinner out, movie nights, and barbeques… it was as if he was an activities coordinator for a while until his targets forgot that we weren’t all lifelong friends. His open heart, crazy laugh, and eager acceptance of each of us just as we are made it difficult to do anything other than love him. So… that is what I did.

I am very thankful for his seek and destroy (or befriend as the case may be) approach to making friends; I wouldn’t trade him for anything in the world!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

You’re amazing just the way you are.

Those who interact with me on a regular basis hear, see, and (I hope) believe that I think the world of them. I strive to make sure every person I come into contact with knows that they are loved and worthy of being loved simply because they exist. I truly believe that every person has the potential to change the world and has the power to contribute daily to the beauty of the world we live in. Exactly the way they are. Right this moment. No qualifiers in sight.

However, for some reason, I have refused to accept this about myself. How can a self proclaimed princess not believe she is wonderful??? Well, I am a walking contradiction, I’ve said that many times. Princesses can be a bit stubborn and obtuse. I humbly admit that I, routinely, contribute to the validity of that statement. You see, while I wholeheartedly believe these wonderful things about others, it is REALLY hard to convince myself that these statements also apply to me. Completely irrational and asinine; I know, I know.

But… I have also said that growth and change is essential to life. Seeing as how it is virtually impossible to move forward while digging my heels in the ground, today, I will relent. I am going to, at least for today, believe about myself what I believe about others. With grace, a little help from my Fairy Grandmother, and a light sprinkling of stardust; today I accept that I am fearfully and wonderfully made which makes me so much more than “enough.”

                   I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
                   your works are wonderful,
                  I know that full well.
                              ~Psalm 139:14

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Taste of Magic

While not common among princesses, I actually like being in the kitchen. I am not sure why princesses don’t find themselves in kitchens more often. In my opinion, the kitchen is one of the best places to be! Peace, clarity, and honesty are found in the kitchen. In the kitchen, there is no space for masks or facades. The kitchen is quite frequently the site of experiments, learning, counseling, loving, introspection, and good old fashioned work. And, of course, there is food in the kitchen… I like food.

One of my favorite things to do in the kitchen is to bake. There is magic in baking. Did you know that? How else would you explain the gathering of seemingly pedestrian elements in a particular manner and amount, culminating in an end product of love, comfort, and sustenance? I think that is why I am drawn to it.

As with all magic, it is not uncommon for things to go awry while I am practicing and developing new delights. But even when things go wrong, the act itself still has magical healing abilities. Methodically moving from step to step in a well rehearsed dance allows my mind to wander. I go back to happy memories of the comfort and safety of childhood. Plans and dreams of the future are conceived and create hope. I look back on recent events and relationships evaluating my choices. My mind wanders to wherever my heart needs it to be.

Now, here is a secret that is not readily shared by bakers, the magic is not complete until someone else tastes what has been baked. Good or bad, this is a must! Otherwise, the magic is lost, my work is for naught, and all I have to show is a big mess and lots of dishes to wash. (The magic in washing dishes is very much debatable.) However, when shared, the magic reaches its full potential!

Once the baking is complete and the dishes are done, feelings of accomplishment and contentment wash over me. My heart is light, my soul is rested, and all is right in the world. I have found and lived, at least briefly, the meaning of life once again.

I have created. I have given. I have loved.